MBSR – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

MBSR Course Description
The MBSR course consists of eight weekly sessions of 2 ¾ hours each, plus an all-day session after the sixth week that includes a day of mindfulness practice in a modified retreat format.
Taking an MBSR course may be worth considering if you
- want to find ways of working with general stress more effectively
- suffer from chronic pain, restlessness or insomnia
- are caught in cycles of worry, anxiety, depression and lack of confidence.
- are experiencing difficulties with your work such as poor concentration, perfectionism, or procrastination
- are interested in exploring how to use your mind more effectively to live in accordance with your values
- wish to increase your overall well-being and self-awareness
- want strategies to deal with the general complexity and pace of modern life
- wish to connect with yourself and others, and the experience of being alive
The course includes
- a personal pre- and post-course interview with each participant
- a course handbook and guided audio instructions of the core exercises (body scan, gentle yoga, sitting meditation)

Martha Schwarze
Certified Teacher for MBSR and MSC
Shiatsu Therapist
Dates: Mondays, 6:30 – 9:00 pm
6.11. / 13.11. / 20.11. / 27.11. / 4.12. / 11.12. / 18.12. 2023 / 8.1.2024
Day of Mindfulness: December, 17th, 10am – 4pm
Costs: CHF 850.- (incl. VAT.)
Depending on your situation, a payment plan, or a partial scholarship can be discussed. Please do not let the cost of the course deter you, if you are experiencing financial difficulty.
Please also note that many Swiss health insurance companies are now covering part of the cost through the „Zusatzversicherung».
Personal pre-course interview: Martha Schwarze will have a 30 minutes pre-course interview appointment with you.
Material (included.): course handbook, guided audio meditations