Mindful Leadership
Get to know the transformational practice of mindful leadership in an inspiring, connecting and nourishing way.
Course dates: Monday, 9.9. / 23.9. / 14.10.2024 – from 18:30 until 20:30 each
Mindful Leadership 1 is always in fall / Mindful Leadership 2 in spring (dates published three months ahead)
Course lead: Lutz Hempel, Centre for Mindfulness Basel

Mindful leaders sow seeds of curiosity, kindness, appreciation, honesty, perspective and more…
Course profile:
“Your effectiveness as a leader depends on your self-awareness. The more self-aware you are, the more strength, wisdom and compassion you have and the more inspiring you are to the people you lead. Mindfulness is the key that unlocks self-awareness, enabling you to reach your full potential and to lead your team and organization to new heights.” (M. Bunting)
Both courses (Mindful Leadership 1 and 2) are based on Michael Bunting’s highly acclaimed guidebook “The Mindful Leader” which offers a proven approach to dramatically improve your leadership and your life. They infuse Michael’s wisdom with Lutz’s vast practical experience from many years in the Network for Mindful Business and working with mindfulness in organizations.
Mindful Leadership 1 covers the topics Being in the here and now, Taking full accountability, Leading from mindful values, Inspiring a mindful vision.
Mindful Leadership 2 covers the topics Cultivating beginner’s mind, Empowering others to shine, Nourishing others with love, Transforming for good.
All sessions provide a safe and nourishing space. Structural elements are:
- Inspiration on the respective topics;
- Mindfulness, mindset and mindful communication practices
- Individual reflection and contemplation
- Mindful exchange in the group or in sub-groups
- Advice for your mindful leadership practice
- Mindful movements
The Mindful Leadership courses are for you if you wish to
- develop real-time self-awareness and take control of your life,
- manage complexity and stress with wisdom and intelligence,
- boost your capacity to learn and innovate,
- bring out the best in others, and make their lives more meaningful.

Lutz Hempel, MBA
Lutz is a co-founder of Swiss Inner Development Goals Hub and The Flourishing Circle, independent consultant, facilitator and certified MBSP teacher (Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice) specializing in Inner Growth, Flourishing, Mindful Business and “Groove”. He leads the Basel regional group within the Network for Mindful Business.
Location: Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Schlüsselberg 4, 4001 Basel
Conditions: CHF 400,- (CHF 350,- when booked no later than a month before the start of a course)